Implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations


Our Ref: HRD/14:21 Date: 18 August 2017

Subject: Implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations-Amendments in the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission regarding.

In pursuance to amendments introduced in the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission by Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure vide Resolution No.1-2-2016/IC dated 16 May 2017 and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension, Department of Personnel and Training vide their letter No.F.14021/3/2016-AIS-II dated 19th/22nd May 2017, option(s) is/are required to be submitted by ex-employees/pensioners of BIS of the level of Scientist-E (Level 13 of the new CPC matrix) who have retired/resigned after 31 Dec 2015 in writing, in the prescribed proformae (See Annex-I and II), electing to draw pay in the revised Pay Matrix with effect from January 1, 2016 or otherwise, as the case may be.
2. They are, therefore, requested to exercise their option and given an undertaking in the enclosed proformae and submit to HRD Deptt, BIS latest by 31 August 2017. The option, once exercised, shall be final.
3. If the option(s) is/are not received by the due date it will be assumed that the employee has not changed his option as given earlier.

(Lt.Col. K. Shantanu)

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